Facebook is losing users, is this the end?

[vc_row el_position=»first»][vc_column][vc_column_text el_position=»first»]A study by Princeton University researchers says Facebook could lose 80% of its users by 2017, but that if that sounds far fetched to you, it’s because it is.
To forecast Facebook’s downfall, the researchers applied a model that is used to study the spread of disease to search queries made on Google for the Menlo Park social network.
The researchers chose that method because they said social networks can be accurately compared to disease as users typically join them when their friends do, and they also leave them when their friends do. This is comparable to being infected with a disease and then recovering from it, according to the study.
To validate that theory, the researchers first applied the disease model to Myspace, saying the once popular website accurately portrays the full lifespan of the social network. After concluding that the model fit for MySpace, it was applied to Facebook, whose search queries saw a decline in 2013.
Using the model, the researchers conclude that Facebook will lose 20% of its base by December and will lose an additional 60% of its users from 2015 to 2017.
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Although the science seems to add up, there are a few reasons why this probably won’t happen.
For starters, Myspace is not the best social network with which to compare Facebook. At its peak, Myspace had 75.9 million monthly active users. Facebook, meanwhile, said it had 1.19 billion active members in September. Facebook has reached levels Myspace never hit.
http://www.latimes.com/business/technology/la-fi-tn-facebook-lose-80-users-2017-not-likely-20140122,0,5369746.story#ixzz2tQaLj8Xw[/vc_column_text][vc_tour interval=»0″ el_position=»last»][vc_tab title=»Premium Page Builder» tab_id=»1367944903-1-35″][vc_column_text el_position=»first last»]

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